Save the Pyramid Project
History of the Project:
This project started two years ago as an effort to “quick fix” the Pyramid by a group of concerned community members and Reno National Little League (RNLL) parents. It has grown into the current effort by investigating the history behind the Pyramid and understanding the herculean effort that went into getting this facility known as Swope Park built and the realization that a “quick fix” is only a temporary fix. We hope you will take a moment to walk around this building to see how the Nevada climate has taken its toll.
Kevin J. Brown, a philosopher, writes “A community is about shared interests; not in the sense of liking similar things but in the sense of having an interest in the welfare of the community.” This project is about community - our community! Southwest Reno is one of the oldest communities in Reno and because of this it lacks public space for youth sports. What few facilities there are in our community are under huge demand by youth based organizations, not to mention adult based sports.
The park is managed by the RYSA (Reno Youth Sports Association), whose mission is to foster, enhance and be a positive influence for all youth & adult sports activities within the City of Reno. The RYSA issues permits for use of the park to RNLL (350 youth), the Challenger Division Little League (200 youth & adults), Travel Baseball (80 youth), Sierra Youth Football League (SYFL) (120 youth), SYFL Cheerleaders (35 youth), and Swope Middle School who uses the facility for physical education classes (700 youth). This demand fills the Swope Park year around.
Reasons for the Project:
The City of Reno plans to tear down the Pyramid because it has “reached its life expectancy” and will install a portable building with bathrooms and snack bar, and aluminum bleachers (Capital Project #166).
Address safety issues including concrete deterioration, lack of safety railings on stairs, and the deterioration of flatwork concrete surrounding the Pyramid.
Make the Pyramid ADA compliant for public use and for the Little League Challenger Division (this league is for youth and adults with special needs).
A strong desire to keep the effort of the Southwest Park Committee alive and not dishonor those who came together in 1969 to build an amazing community facility.
Community benefits from pride in effort, volunteerism, participation, symbolism, and a community gathering spot they can be proud of.
Plan of Action:
RNLL is leading this project of repairing the Pyramid. The amount of funds raised will determine the repair & reconstruction plan that will occur at the Pyramid:
PLAN 1 (~$700K): Exterior concrete will be replaced and sealed, flatwork concrete surrounding the Pyramid will be replaced, new electrical, safety handrails installed on staircases, relocation of NV Energy transformer located under the Pyramid.
PLAN 2 (~$1M): PLAN 1 plus new ADA compliant bathrooms with water conserving fixtures, new plumbing & sewer lines, added storage, addition of a conference room, relocation of snack bar with outside access, remodel of entrance to park.
PLAN 3 (~$1.5M): PLAN 1 & 2 plus the repair of: backstops, fencing, batting cages, scoreboards, field lights, batting cage lights, and bull pens. Plus a reserve to care for the facility into the future.
The Pyramid and land is owned by Washoe County School District (WCSD). The District has an agreement with the City of Reno to maintain the facility and grounds that has been in place since 1969. We’ve received letters of conditional approval from both WCSD and the City of Reno for the Pyramid Project.
Contacts & Information:
For more information or if you would like to receive a formal package regarding donating to the project, please contact us by clicking on the link below:

Click for a slideshow of the current condition of Swope Pyramid

Click for a slideshow of renderings of the New Swope Pyramid

Our awesome sponsors for the Save the Pyramid Field of Dreams Party. Without them the party could not have happened!